How to Use Annotations in CDS Views to Enhance Data Presentation?

SAP Core Data Services (CDS) views are essential for SAP developers and functional consultants who need to create robust, reusable data models. Annotations in CDS views help add functionality and improve data presentation, enabling developers to deliver dynamic, business-ready solutions.

Business Scenario: Why Use Annotations in CDS Views?

Imagine you work for a retail company that needs to create a sales report for daily analysis. The report needs to display sales data, customer information, and region details in a user-friendly format. Additionally, it should allow users to filter by region, group by month, and display key information such as sales totals with a clear visual style. Rather than writing custom code in an SAP UI5 application, CDS annotations can help achieve these features directly within the CDS view, reducing time and simplifying future maintenance.

Step-by-Step Solution: Using Annotations in CDS Views

Step 1: Define the CDS View with Basic Fields

First, create a CDS view that retrieves sales order data. Use the key fields like Sales Order, Customer ID, Sales Amount, and Region.

In SAP HANA Studio or Eclipse, create the CDS view using @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName. Here’s an example:

ABAPCopy code@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZSALES_REPORT'
@EndUserText.label: 'Sales Report by Customer and Region'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view Z_SALES_REPORT as select from sflight
    key sflight.carrid as Airline,
    key sflight.connid as Connection,
    sflight.fldate as FlightDate,
    sflight.seatmax as MaxSeats,
    sflight.price as Price

Step 2: Use @UI Annotations for Presentation in Fiori Applications

To enhance data presentation, apply @UI annotations. These annotations control how fields are displayed in SAP Fiori applications, defining field labels, importance, and field groups.

For example, use @UI.lineItem to specify fields in the overview list and @UI.selectionField to enable filters:

ABAPCopy code@UI.lineItem: [{ position: 10, label: 'Airline Code' }]
@UI.selectionField: [{ position: 20 }]
key sflight.carrid as Airline,

@UI.lineItem: [{ position: 20, label: 'Connection ID' }]
@UI.selectionField: [{ position: 30 }]
key sflight.connid as Connection,

Here, @UI.lineItem specifies fields for display in the list view, and @UI.selectionField allows users to filter data by airline and connection.

Step 3: Use @Analytics Annotations for Aggregations and Calculations

In reporting scenarios, aggregations and calculations are crucial. The @Analytics annotations enable aggregation functions like SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVG.

For example, to calculate total sales and group data by month, use @Analytics.aggregate:

ABAPCopy code@Analytics.aggregate: #SUM
sflight.price as TotalSales,
@Analytics.aggregate: #MIN
sflight.seatmax as MinSeats,
@DefaultAggregation: #SUM
sflight.price as SalesAmount

These annotations allow for automatic aggregation without custom ABAP coding. Aggregated values are then used directly in SAP Fiori reports, simplifying data analysis.

Step 4: Use @Search Annotations to Enable Fuzzy Search

For enhanced search functionality, use @Search annotations to enable fuzzy search capabilities on specific fields. This is useful in scenarios where exact matches may not always be possible, and users need flexibility in searching.

ABAPCopy code@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.7
sflight.carrid as Airline

In this example, @Search.defaultSearchElement specifies the field as searchable in Fiori, and @Search.fuzzinessThreshold enables fuzzy matching for partial or similar terms.

Step 5: Use @Semantics Annotations for Special Data Types

In cases where fields represent specific data types like currency or units of measure, @Semantics annotations ensure proper handling.

For instance, to define a currency or quantity:

ABAPCopy code@Semantics.currencyCode: true
scarr.currcode as Currency,

@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'Currency'
sflight.price as SalesAmount

The @Semantics.currencyCode annotation links the SalesAmount with the Currency field, ensuring correct currency handling in reports.

Step 6: Implement @OData.publish Annotation to Expose as OData Service

To make the CDS view available as an OData service for SAP BTP applications, use the @OData.publish: true annotation. This approach allows the CDS view to be consumed directly in applications with minimal setup.

ABAPCopy code@OData.publish: true
define view Z_SALES_REPORT as select from sflight

Once activated, register the OData service in SAP Gateway using transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE, enabling BTP applications to consume data.

Step 7: Activate and Test the CDS View

After setting up the CDS view with annotations, activate and test it:

  1. Activate: Right-click the CDS view in Eclipse and choose Activate.
  2. Test: Use transaction SE11 or SE16 to view the data, or use /IWFND/GW_CLIENT to test the OData service.

Interview Tips for Using CDS View Annotations

  1. Explain Annotations’ Purpose: In interviews, articulate why annotations are useful, such as reducing UI customization efforts, improving performance, and enabling robust data handling.
  2. Key Annotations to Mention: Be prepared to discuss key annotations like @UI, @Analytics, @Search, and @OData.publish.
  3. Business Scenario Examples: Use specific business scenarios, like generating sales or inventory reports, to demonstrate practical usage.
  4. Security: Mention @AccessControl.authorizationCheck to show awareness of data security and authorization.
  5. SAP Fiori Integration: Show knowledge of integrating CDS views with Fiori applications using annotations, which is a highly valued skill.


Using annotations in CDS views is a powerful way to enhance data presentation, streamline reporting, and reduce development efforts in SAP environments. By leveraging @UI, @Analytics, @Search, @Semantics, and @OData annotations, you can transform basic data models into interactive, user-friendly applications on SAP Fiori or SAP BTP. Mastering these annotations will not only make development easier but also make you a valuable candidate for roles requiring SAP data modeling and presentation skills.

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